Occupational safety, fire protection and the environment
We are the team
behind you
20 years of experience
We offer our clients help when fulfilling the OHS legal requirements. We help to set up the OHS management systems of the companies so that they meet their requirements and needs. Therefore we tailor the companies’ documentation to the needs so that it becomes a substantial support for the management of the companies as a whole.
Fire Protection
For every employer fire prevention means help when protecting life and health of the employees and prevention of great loss of property of the company. We will help our clients to fulfill all legal requirements regarding Fire Prevention Act, to set up the system of fire prevention, including the training of the employees.
Environment protection
We help our clients to fulfill legal requirements regarding waste management, water and air pollution prevention. We also cooperate on solving the problems connected with chemical substances and setting up the whole system of recycling. Our clients have our support when keeping waste disposal records in the EVITA programme and when preparing annual report for the ISPOP programme.
About us
We are a team who treat each client individually based on partnership approach. We are professionals and each of us has legally required qualifications and certificates. We educate ourselves as well as others. We are members of trade associations. We cooperate with established experts and specialists in the field. We are trying to build up good relationships with supervisory bodies because there are people with experience and knowledge which is necessary to be disseminated and exercised. Also our knowledge and experience is disseminated through our clients. When cooperating we look for solutions that are suitable for them and they became role models for others.
why choose us?
We want to be a sought-after consultancy company that helps its clients to fulfill legal requirements related to occupational health and safety (OHS), occupational health and safety on building sites – with the duties of the contracting authority, to fulfill legal requirements regarding fire prevention and ecology.
Do you need experts?
You are not the only ones. There are many reasons to have a reliable consultant:
You are lacking qualification and experience.
You have more than 25 employees and you are legally obliged to have a specialist qualified in risk prevention.
You don´t have enough time to do everything yourselves.
You are not satisfied with the current situation in your company.
You need to find an expert in your region.
Your foreign partner requires professional approach to the issue.
AGRO-HOCHSTAFFL s.r.o., České Budějovice
ANGLO – česká s.r.o., Jindřichův Hradec
AstenJohnson s.r.o., Strakonice
Aster Pharma s.r.o., Sušice
Autoservis Jindra s.r.o., Soběslav
Avízo s.r.o., Zliv
Belis a.s., České Budějovice
Bonapol a.s., České Budějovice
Bouška Radek, stavební firma, Chotoviny
Bytes Tábor s.r.o.
CCI Czech Republic s.r.o., Šlapanice
Církevní ZŠ s.r.o., Tábor
Delta a.s., Kardašova Řečice
DECKENBACH CZ s.r.o., Homole
Dřevospol s.r.o., Zahoří
Dřevotvar – řemesla a stavby, s.r.o., Chýnov
Dvořáček Pavel, Ing., geodetická kancelář, Planá nad Lužnicí
EKO MB s.r.o., Planá nad Lužnicí
ELTA s.r.o., Tábor
Energetické centrum s.r.o. Jindřichův Hradec
ENVI PUR s.r.o., Soběslav
Engel strojírenská spol. s.r.o., Kaplice
European Trailer Systems s.r.o., Kamenice nad Lipou
EXO ENERGO s.r.o., České Budějovice
EXO HIGH POWER s.r.o., České Budějovice
Farní charita Týn nad Vltavou
FERT a.s., Soběslav
Fetter+Spiritini s.r.o., Prachatice
Fiera a.s., Jindřichův Hradec
FixNet s.r.o., Sušice
GD Druckguss, s.r.o., Vodňany
Grand Hotel Zvon, České Budějovice
Greiner perfoam s.r.o., Tábor
Gymnázium Piera de Coubertina, Tábor
Hochstaffl Bohemia s.r.o., České Budějovice
Chejn s.r.o., Sušice
Chemická obchodní společnost, s.r.o., Třeboň
INTEM spol. s.r.o., Tábor
InTiCa Systems s.r.o., Prachatice
Jan Nevšímal -JANEV, Planá nad Lužnicí
Jihočeské letiště České Budějovice a.s.
JEDNOTA, spotřební družstvo, České Budějovice
Kanal Serv s.r.o., České Budějovice
ZŠ a MŠ a poskytovatel sociálních služeb Kaňka o.p.s., Tábor
Kasalova pila s.r.o., Jindřichův Hradec
Knowlimits Group a.s., Praha
KUBOUŠEK Holding s.r.o., České Budějovice
Městské centrum kultury a vzdělávání, Týn nad Vltavou
MADETA a.s., České Budějovice
Město Rudolfov
Město Týn nad Vltavou
Městská knihovna Tábor
MILKTRANS a.s., Jesenice
Miloslav Navrátil – MN-Agentura, Tábor
Mondi Bupak s.r.o., České Budějovice
Obec Albrechtice nad Vltavou
Odpady Písek s.r.o., Písek
PANDA East s.r.o., Plzeň
Miloš Mareš – Peří Mareš, Milevsko
Partner in Pet Food CZ s.r.o., Veselí nad Lužnicí
Panství Bechyně s.r.o.
Pivovar SOLNICE a.s., České Budějovice
Pivovar Samson a.s., České Budějovice
RailWay Capital a.s., Praha
Restaurace SOLNICE a.s., České Budějovice
ROHDE&SCHWARZ, závod Vimperk, s.r.o.
Rumpold – CHD s.r.o., Týn nad Vltavou
Rumpold s.r.o., Jihlava
Rumpold Praha s.r.o.
Rumpold s.r.o., Strakonice
Rumpold s.r.o., Tábor
Rumpold s.r.o., Týn nad Vltavou
Rumpold s.r.o., Vodňany
Stavební bytové družstvo Tábor
SINFO spol. s r.o.,Mladá Vožice
SINOP CB, a.s., České Budějovice
Strojírna Soběslav s.r.o.
Střední škola polytechnická, České Budějovice
Střechy DIPOMA s.r.o.
Studio D akustika s.r.o., České Budějovice
Šumava správa nemovitosti s.r.o, Prachatice
Tomáš Zimmel Kuchyně RONDO
Trojan Vladimír – Strojírenství České Budějovice
Teufelberger s.r.o, Veselí nad Lužnicí
VSJ-metal s.r.o. Planá nad Lužnicí
Wienerberger a.s., Týn nad Vltavou
Wienerberger a.s., Stod
Ypsotec s.r.o., Tábor
We support “Občanské sdružení výchovných a terapeutických aktivit, Kaňka o.s.” (Civic Association for Educational and Therapeutic Activities, Kaňka o.s.) in Tábor.
Our company PreventCom is a regular member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, Czech Chamber of OSH and FP and we are in charge of the South Bohemia Chamber of OSH and FP.
Contact us
Headquarters of the company:
Větrovy 131, 390 01 Tábor
České Budějovice – office
Větrná 1476/76, 370 05 České Budějovice
IČ: 26072254
DIČ: CZ26072254
Registered at regional court in České Budějovice, part C, n. 12227